Inhale: I watched an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine on Netflix and I wrote about the types of irony they had in the show.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine 


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a comedy TV series about police officers. All the characters have a pretty big role during this show. Here and there are new people come in for an episode or two it’s very rare if they come back a season later or 2 Seasons later. Here are the characters interactions: Two of the characters like to make bets with each other their names are Jake and Amy, they interact with each other more than other characters do. During season 5 episode 4 they made a very big bet about stealing stuff and now it went on everyone try to find the belt and every year someone wins. Charles and Rosa interact, for instance Charles really likes Rosa and  he try’s to get Rosa to like him. For example during season 1 episode 1 Charles asked out Rosa she says yes but then Charles mess it up and they didn’t get to go out together so he kept trying to get her to go out with him. Terry and Raymond Holt interact because Raymond is the captain of the police station and Terry really wants to captain like him be so he tries to be like Raymond. For example During episode 9 season 4, Terry asked for more responsibility the captain said “ Let’s see what there is, one Plaza is looking for a city council lead Zone that’s awarding but challenging opportunity but I think you’ll do a great job.” “ that sounds perfect”

 Then Raymond Holt started to give out a list of things I had to do that had to be done before tomorrow to get the job. Terry said he could do it, but inside his head he thought he couldn’t do it. Scully and Hitchcock have been on air force for 35 years and have been best friends since.  They do everything together, everyone just thinks they sit at their desk and eat food and do nothing. But in season 2 episode 19 Jake thinks he is getting sabotage during his case then Hitchcock and Scully solve the case. Amy and Rosa are pretty close they have known each other for awhile whenever there’s a case that comes up the usually go on it together if one of them gets assigned. Season four episode 5 they did the heist together and work to get it. Jake and Charles are the closest of them all because they have known each other forever, and never left each other side since. During  season 5 episode 19 Jake was having a bachelor party and Charles planned it all out, and even got his favourite person from favourite show. So Jake could have the bachelor party.

 What I really love about this show how all the characters interact with each other, it’s super great for them to be close with one or two people. I would highly recommend this TV series if you like action, comedy, and dramatic stuff

 Sincerely Jordan Pogubila.

Exhale 1
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